Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chick Flicks = Girl Porn

In my last blog ("S-E-X") I mentioned how porn was dehumanizing and not honouring to God. I want to unpack that a little.

You would be hard pressed these days to find a teenager who hadn't seen porn at one time or another. I know plenty of guys and girls who admit to having a porn addiction at some point in their lives. It is one of the biggest industries in the world and employs/enslaves millions of men, women and children in the making of films and pictures.

The reason it is so powerful is because sex is one of the most primal instincts that we have. It a strong force and once those instincts have been aroused it is damn near impossible to get them to go back into hiding. Once you have those feelings and images in your head you will never get rid of them and, like a drug, you will want more and more to satisfy the feelings that have been awakened.

Porn is so destructive because it gives a false idea about what sex and humanity is about. It tells us that sex is a commodity, that people can be bought. It shows us that we don't have to care about people, we just have to use them for our gratification. It says that no matter what your darkest fantasies are, you have a right to be accommodated in enjoying them to the expense of someone else.

It also shows us that men are always virile, women are always willing, sex is never awkward or messy or not enjoyable. It tells us that a woman's personality doesn't matter just as long as she is fit looking and willing to do whatever you want. It is the size of the man's penis, not his mind, that matters.

And now I get controversial.

I would argue that chick flicks and romance novels (henceforth known together as romcomnov's) are as destructive and manipulative as porn.

Now before I get lynched by angry woman, let me explain.

Porn distorts the way we view others and can have serious detrimental affects on relationships because of these distortions. Romcomnov's do the same.

In the romcomnov there is usually a bad boy to be tamed, a stuck up woman who needs to loosen up, a man who sweeps a gorgeous woman off her feet, or a plain woman who actually is amazingly beautiful but no one ever noticed before.

All of these plots assume that there is a 'perfect' way of being. That being stuck up and job motivated is bad, but partying and having a good time is good. Bad boys are always actually nice on the inside and just need a woman to change them. Women are suppose to look and dress a certain way to get noticed and get the man. And in the end the perfect man will always turn up with flowers and romance.

This isn't real life. Some people are just assholes, men don't always sweep girls off their feet and really don't like women trying to change them. You don't wake up with make up on, sex isn't always pretty/sweat free/romantic. And no woman looks like they do on the movies.

So how is this like porn?

Porn distorts the way we view humans and romcomnov's do just as much.

Where porn may make you dissatisfied with your sex life or the way your partner looks, romcomnov's can make you dissatisfied with your sex life, how you look, how your partner looks, how your life is, who you are, your friends and everything else.

Women are being trained by the romcomnov to look for a certain type of romance, a man who acts in a certain way, and when that doesn't happen they believe that they must have not found 'the one' and so move on to the next man who needs them to change them.

Porn leaves you wanting something else.

Romcomnov's leave you wanting something else.

Both are as destructive as each other.

Both dehumanize the person.

Both are letting people live their fantasies on screen without anyone thinking of the ramifications.

Now I know there will be many disagreements to this and I would love to hear them. Please, feedback and start the discussion.


  1. Relevant to (and extending on) this, a friend posted an article on FB recently by Chloe Angyal on the current implications of the main stories we're telling through our rom-coms. Link here - Worth the read, I think. Jasmine.

  2. Some fair calls but disagree that they are "destructive as each other." Porn porn is intensely more dehumanizing than a chick flick.

  3. My main belief for why chick flicks are the female counterpart to porn is that chick flicks focus more on emotions which is why they are more of a draw card to females over males because female are more emotionally wired. Whereas porn is more visually stimulating and therefore focussed more to a male wiring.
    I haven't thought too much about this topic, but I personally think that porn encourages the objectifying of females to a physical extent which I don't think is a prevalent in chick flicks.I think porn is more dehumanizing because it encourages an animalistic approach to sex which usually is in favour of males. But in saying that I think that chick flicks definitely give a distorting view of what we should expect in males. Neither of these mediums portray healthy expectations for males or females.

    1. I agree Jess but I also think that chick flicks encourage the objectifying of males in a physical sense too (when was the last time you saw a non fit guy on a chick flick lol) but then again so does the whole film industry. I do think that there is a major difference because one is phyiscal and one is emotional but I do think that both are as detrimental to our views on relationships as each othe

    2. I guess that reason I more anti porn over chick flicks is because of the consequences which can occur, such as leading males to commit sexual abuse etc. because porn is constantly validating the physical objectifying of females to an actual contact level. But I definitely agree chick flicks are not healthy if viewed as the way things are/should be.

    3. true but do you not think that chick flicks can lead to consequences like women becoming sexually promiscuous, trying to change their men, leaving relationships quickly? granted sexual abuse etc is a much bigger deal than these issues but form my view it is these things that would be more likely to happen across a larger range of people than the occurences of sexual abuse linked to porn

  4. Both majorly distort reality and have dangers for sure. However my opinion is that you can be discerning when watching chick flicks. Porn is soul destroying for the viewer and the object however you are looking at it. When focusing on dehumanisation I just feel that porn is in a completely different league. Personal opinion!

    1. what about the people who go into the porn industry as Christian to work with the people in there? They dont actually take part but set up stall at the sexpo's and stuff? They look at it differently and don't get destroyed in the process. Whereas I think the subtlety of chick flicks can make them more subliminally subversive on a greater number of people . Lol loving this convo btw

  5. If you are talking about the majority of people who view porn and the general effects of that, compared with the majority of people who view chick flicks and the effects of that, i would have to agree with Amber, porn is always soul destroying. I haven't met anyone who can genuinely say they can view porn and be unaffected by it. The christian male who can witness in the porn industry and be UN-affected by it is extremely rare!

    1. But in saying that the subtle underlying messages (sometimes not that subtle) of chick flicks also has negative effects......=/

    2. so with the way that teenagers are developing their understanding of people and humanity and relationship, should we warn them off both porn and chick flicks?

    3. Get them to a nunnery quicksmart!

    4. Grant, leaping in after your flippant remark, I would have to say (Having been addicted to porn at a younger age) that I agree with both of you. Her arguments have a valid basis. I would not put the two on a par(porn/chickflicks), but neither would I discount the inherent faults within warning teenagers away from anything.

      Growing up in the Church, I was lead to believe that if I was alone with a girl, I was almost definitely going to have sex with her. So what happened when I inevitably ended up alone with a girl. There was only one thing in my mind. Not that I had sex immediately but there are things I did that I certainly wish I had not.

      I had an unhealthy fascination that drew me toward sex. The proverbial "Do not Touch." I wanted to touch it. In fact, I thought I would because I was not taught to trust myself in making wise choices. I was told it couldn't be done.

      On the subject of chick flicks, I think the issue is cultural more than anything. Trivializing relationships tremendously, and shifting peoples view of other's relationships.

      I think it is far more important to consider what you encourage your children to do. And give them actual reasons for doing good. Not "Because it will make God happy." God is already happy. Let's not make God seem as trivial as us.

      I am talking out of my own experience of course, and whats more I'm rambling too...

      As for nunneries, well, why not?

    5. David, own experiences and rambling are both greatly appreciated on this blog :)

      Thank you all for your comments, I love starting a discussion :)
