Sunday, June 3, 2012

Til Death Do Us Part?

So after my last blog (depressing much!!?) it is time for a change in topic. Enough about weightloss, it's a boring subject really, kinda like watching paint dry (or fat melt lol). I am once again optimistic and driven so let's forget about that for a while.

That's right, everybody take a big sigh of relief.

Now on to something far more interesting!!

As you all know, I have the best husband in the world. Actually. Sorry if you think your's is the best; you are wrong. And this has nothing to do with me loving being right. 

You are just wrong. Simple as that.

(awwww aren't we the cutest!!!)

My amazingly wonderful husband and I were talking in bed last night about how sad it is that even the best things, like marriage for example, are tainted by the sadness that one day it ends in death.

Yes, I am serious, we talk about things like that in bed.

Maybe we both need counselling.

We weren't being morbid just for the fun of it, rather we were debating whether or not there is marriage in heaven (*co....geeks....ugh*)

Luke was saying how sad he would be if he wasn't married to me in heaven ( husband EVER!! He said it without any prompting even!). Kinda made me teary hearing him talk like that but my view of heaven is way different.

If Jesus wipes every tear from our eye and there is no more death then heaven seems like a pretty awesome place to be.

(Note: when I speak of 'heaven' I want to put a disclaimer out that this means anything after death whether that be heaven, new earth or renewed earth. Lemme just say that before some theology nerds argue with me over something I don't mean haha).

Also, if heaven is where our love for God and love for each other is perfected then we would have overwhelming love for complete strangers. Not erotic love, so whether or not there is sex is heaven is an interesting addition to this, but love where we see the other as fully human and loved by God.

If this is the case then we would never be lonely. We would never want for companionship. We would find people to talk to and share life with wherever we go.

Would then this render marriage obsolete?

If our deep emotional connections were being fulfilled elsewhere would the purpose of marriage in heaven be only for children? But if everyone lives forever wouldn't it get really overpopulated really fast?

I see marriage in this life as an amazing wonderful gift where we can experience the closest we can to what it means to be loved fully by another human being. And even then it gets messy at times.

Will we need that in a place where we experience love all the time?

There is also the issue of what happens if say, hypothetically, I die tomorrow? If Luke and I are married in heaven does that mean for the rest of his life he must remain a widower?

I would hate him to be alone for the rest of his time here!!! But it would make things a tad tricky if he then had to choose which woman he wanted for eternity (I might get the tinsiest bit homicidally jealous if it wasn't me. Just saying).

I kind of like Luke. He is pretty awesome. And the thought of us being separated by death sucks big time.

But does death part us? 

Or does it lead us into a new understanding of each other, of God and of others?

I guess no one really knows til we get there, until then I will just keep treasuring our night time talks, morbid or not, and every moment I get with him.

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