Saturday, September 8, 2012

You KNOW you wanted more...

So I was trawling through other blogs the other day, as you do, and I found this fun one where you get to learn more about the author.

I thought "hey, why not? More of me can't be a bad thing right?"

So here you go;


1. I have three major fears; getting burned to death in a fire, clowns and escalators. I am not joking, I am actually terrified of all three but the last one I have learned to manage as it is kind of unavoidable. They all scare the bejeezus outta me and I am not really sure why!

2. If I could tell my 16 year old self anything it would be that she is beautiful and worth loving. That and stop worrying about food! You are as skinny as a freaking rake!

3. 5 things that make me most happy right now; Luke meeting me at the bus stop every night after work, getting to talk to Luke about deep and meaningful stuff just before we sleep, playing Kinnect with my friend Melissa, reading a good book, listening to good music.

4. My dream job is one where I could meld helping people, particularly messed up teenagers, with preaching and lecturing and some counselling and mental health work...wait, I want to be a pastor!

5. 10 people who have influenced me through out my life are as follows:

Jesus - his life is one I want that inspires anyone!
Mother Theresa - actually wanted to be her as a child.
Jenny Shipley - for being the first woman PM in NZ
Nelson Mandela - for his forgiveness and love in a place of anger
Christine Sorenson - a family friend who was a missionary in Pakistan for years.
My Great Aunt Eileen - an amazing woman who was always happy and positive.
Rod Thompson - Principal of Laidlaw and my friend and mentor
Will Taylor - a youth pastor and nurse who helped me get sober
My 7th Form History teacher, Mr Milton - pushed me to excel and saw my potential
My Mother - for better or worse, a girl's greatest influence is always her mum.

6. 10 things that really grind my gears:
People using 'aks' instead of 'ask'
Using 'pacific' instead of 'specific'
Using 'preformance' instead of 'performance'
Really any incorrect use of the English language!
Luke pulling all the blankets off me when I am trying to sleep!
People asking for advice, ignoring it, then three days later saying it was their idea.
My computer freezing...I mean come on!
Stupid, idiotic, circular arguments that go nowhere.
Tights ripping when you are out somewhere and can't change them.
People who talk only about themselves (haha funny for a blog writer to say :P)

7. 5 weaknesses of mine are:
I am proud and don't like to be proved wrong.
I am overly sensitive to criticism.
I give criticism too quickly.
I can be too direct to the point of being brutal.
I over think and over analyse everything!

8. 5 strengths I think I have are:
I am compassionate and loving to everyone.
I will drop everything in a heartbeat for someone who needs my help.
I am generous with everything I own.
I am strong in my faith and my defense of it.
I love with all I am even when I have been hurt.

9. I think people most misunderstand my intentions when I am trying to tell them something. Because I am so direct when I say things it can come across as me being harsh or saying something mean when I am actually really wanting to help and love the person. It kills me when I think people have misunderstood my intentions and think that I am angry at them or upset with them when 99.9% of the time I am trying really hard to love them.

10. 10 things I hope I am remembered for:
My love for others
My faith
My defense of my faith
My strong ethical stances.
My hope in God.
My ability to forgive what has happened in my life.
My wacky sense of humour
My laugh
My friendship with everyone
My loving marriage with Luke.

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