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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Jesus Buzz

It's Monday and I am just about to start work after getting up at the ungodly hour of 6am.

I went to church last night so I am feeling pretty good right about now.

I got my holy on, my Jesus buzz, my praise tank is on full.

Cause that's what church is about right, getting a good 'hit' of the Holy Spirit (or HS-ay (pronounced hizzay) as we that are close to it like to call it) because for the rest of the week it will slowly leak out of our pores until next Sunday when we can refill.

Sounds good to me.

Sounds good to you.

It's all gravy except it is WRONG!!!!!

Church does make me feel good and holy and close to God, and I can't say that 6am mornings really have the same impact on me, but is this really what church is for?

Is it there to fulfill our own selfish need to feel Godly?

This is the problem with basing our faith and our churches on how we feel. Feelings are fickle, they change from one day to the next. For example, today I may feel like the sexiest beast alive, but come tomorrow I may be complaining about feeling more like a whale. Nothing changed expect how I feel about the way I look.

It is the same with God and church.

I know too many people (and am guilty myself) who leave churches or move from one to the other because it wasn't what they were 'looking' for.

It didn't have the right kind of music.

Or the right kind of fired up preaching.

People didn't immediately embrace them as a long lost sibling as soon as they walked in the door.

Or maybe the colour scheme was distracting (I have heard that one...for serious!).

All of these things aren't about God. Nor are they about church. But they all somehow are mysteriously powerful enough in themselves to make people not get the Jesus buzz.

You know the "I-feel-so-good-right-now-I-just-wanna-praise-God" thing.

And if we don't get this 'hit' we feel like for the rest of the week that God is missing from our lives.

Oh sinful generation we are, how does God put up with us?

Church isn't about the spiritual high or about how we feel about the music/speaking/service.

It is about meeting with fellow believers who want to join together for a few hours a week to share their faith, admonish and teach each other and sing praises to the living God.

Anything else is selfishness.

It is not about you.

It never has been.

If you go into church asking what it will be doing for you then you have really missed the boat on this one.

And it doesn't stop on Sundays either!

That love for others that motivates you to meet with them every week and praise God in song is the same love that should be motivating you at work, at home and everywhere you are.

That same love for God that lifts your heart when you sing songs to him and hear a really heart felt sermon is the same love that should get you up each morning and put you to bed each night. It should be love for God that makes you want to please your bosses and do your job for his glory.

It is a love that doesn't leak out or fade.

God's love is the same everyday regardless how you feel about it.

It doesn't change, ever.

So if you are feeling like Monday has arrived and the Jesus-high is fading, then reassess your priorities when it comes to church.

And think, if God's love is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, then it is not him who is 'leaking' out during the week.

Maybe you just aren't looking for it.

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